How do societies know when an epidemic is over and normal life can resume? What are the criteria and markers of an epidemic’s end, and who has the insight, authority, and credibility to decipher these signs? The multi-disciplinary research project 'How Epidemics Ends' brings together a range of researchers and draws on a variety of methodological insights and experiences of previous epidemics to examine the ways in which epidemics have ended across previous eras and locations. It will synthesize a range of multidisciplinary case studies that will identify the conditions and methods that allow societies to regard an epidemic as having ended. The project has c. 40 members from a variety of different disciplines.
The project synthesizes a range of research, much of it from the humanities (especially historical) to answer social, policy, and biological questions about the current pandemic.
Explore the Humanities pathways that led to this project
Oxford, England, UK