"The Danger of Prioritizing Politics and Economics During the Coronavirus Outbreak"
Project Description

The author wrote and published two op-eds comparing responses to COVID-19 in the US with those of authorities in Marseille, France during the 1720 Plague of Marseille. One article appeared in The Washington Post, and the other was written for Stat News. In addition, Cindy Ermus has done several media appearances, interviews, talks, and podcasts on COVID and the history of pandemics. She is also currently writing a book on the 1720 plague.

Translational Perspective

As a disaster historian, the ultimate objective is to produce histories that can positively influence public policy, and, in this case, responses and reactions to public health crises.

Contact Infomation: First name
Contact Information: Last name
Contact Information: Position title
Assistant Professor of History
Contact Information: Institutional affiliation
University of Texas at San Antonio
Contact Information: Email address
cindy.ermus [at] utsa.edu

San Antonio, Texas, USA